Usually no, especially if you are an established client or you are working with a professional intermediary or introducer who already has an established relationship with us.
We will usually process most orders before receiving payment and we are happy to email documents to you before sending by post or courier. We do not officially extend credit, we do not have fomalized credit terms with our clients, but because we mostly work with professional clients we do allow for payment to be made shortly after completion of orders. We also allow our more active and established professional clients to pay on a monthly or quaterly basis which is usually more convenient for them and helps them to avoid bank charges and accounting costs. Virtually all of our professional clients settle all their invoices promptly and without any problems.
For first time clients, particularly end-user clients who are not working closely with a professional client or who were not referred to us by a well-established client, we may wait for payment (and initial Trust funds) before starting Trust registration procedures.